Please send me information for the following listings (check any box below):

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 $75,000 - Restaurant Asset Sale in Camarillo
 $85,000 - Animal Lovers of Santa Barbara
 $165,000 - Venue and Vine
 $169,000 - Restaurant Space in Santa Barbara County
 $199,000 - Ventura Liquor Store
 $250,000 - Camarillo Restaurant
 $290,000 - Inviting Neighborhood Restaurant
 $299,000 - Prime Restaurant Location, Santa Barbara
 $300,000 - Wine Bar
 $350,000 - Profitable Retail Shop
 $369,000 - Breakfast and Lunch Cafe
 $425,000 - Bar and Grill
 $550,000 - Spa and Wellness Center
 $625,000 - Downtown Bar & Nightclub
 $875,000 - Charming Café
 $999,000 - Vibrant Bar and Restaurant

 $15,000 - ABC License - Type 20 - Santa Barbara
 $375,000 - ABC License - Type 47 - Santa Barbara

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