ABC Priority Registration Drawings in 2024
Posted on Sep 9, 2024
During the period of September 9-20, 2024, ABC offices will accept applications for priority licenses in eligible counties and Type 87 licenses in San Francisco County.Check the announcements here for a list of counties and the number of available licenses. Priority drawings will be held the week of October 21, 2024, for counties with more applicants than available licenses. Additional details will be available on October 14, 2024.
Monitor ABC’s website and subscribe to receive email news and updates, including the specific times for each priority drawing and instructions for accessing the virtual priority drawings via Zoom.
Only one priority application will be accepted from any one applicant per county for each type of license. A fee of $18,635 is to be paid when filing an application for a new original general license and a fee of $7,060, is to be paid when filing a priority application for the intercounty transfer of a general license.
Unsuccessful drawing participants will be automatically refunded their application fee (minus a $100 service charge) within 90-120 days of the priority drawing but will retain their priority ranking until August 1st of the following year.
Successful participants who file a formal application for a priority license who then decide to withdraw their application, will be entitled to a refund in accordance with Business and Professions Code (BPC) § 23320 and 23959.
Pursuant to the provisions of § 12419.5 of the Government Code, if an applicant owes money to the California taxing agencies, a claim against the priority application fee may be made by the taxing agency. If such a claim is made, the amount owed will be deducted from the priority application fee at the time of refund and remitted to the taxing agency.
If you’re interested in partaking in this drawing, please contact Compass First and we’ll facilitate your application.
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